Great leadership and vision

How great leadership and an inspired vision drive growth

To what degree are your people inspired by your company’s vision? To what extent do they even know what the vision is? How many of your leadership team agree on what the vision is?

Strategenic specialises in guiding Senior Management teams and Boards to to provide compelling, effective leadership.

Successful companies have a vision that inspires

These successful companies, that grow fast year on year, demonstrate what great leadership looks like. Their people all pull in the same direction, in superb alignment – just like a high performance flying team. To do that, a business needs a “purpose”, a goal that is truly meaningful. Financial goals are important but not enough to win the hearts and minds of your people. For example, the Roman army had a purpose – to rule the world. It was so important to each and every centurion that, far from just “doing their job”, they used every spare moment to practice and gave everything they had to be the very best they could be. Centurions were immensely proud to be part of something so impressive. It is the same in 1 percent companies.

Great leadership involves:

  • Leading your Management team to commit to a vision that inspires them all
  • Allowing them to discuss the big strategic questions about how you will get there in a way that gains total commitment
  • Guiding them to cascade the vision down the company until your staff are all pulling together, proud to be part of a company that knows where it is going, that adds so much value and where everyone works as a team.

A really good leader knows when he/ she has the ability to do that himself or if he needs to get help.

How will your business start to develop good leadership qualities?

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